Our Parents Forum is held regularly throughout the year and provides an opportunity for parents/carers to meet with senior members of staff and the Governing Body. Confirmation of dates will be published below shortly and on our key dates page.
We very much value the importance of parents and carers in helping shape the future of our school and strongly encourage them to share their ideas and feedback with us.
Parents/carers will be invited to complete questionnaires on a termly basis in order to gather valuable insight that will inform our school improvement plan and short-term targets. We greatly appreciated this input.
Parents/carers can also contact the Headteacher or the Chair of Governors directly at any time via their contact details found on our contact us page.
We have a procedure that we will follow regarding complaints, the details of which can be found in our Complaints Policy on our policies page.
We strongly believe that it is in everyone’s interest that complaints are resolved at the earliest possible stage. Parents/carers must never worry about sharing their concerns with the school as they will always be taken seriously. If any parent/carer is unhappy with the education that their child is receiving, or have any concerns relating to any aspect of the school, we encourage them to talk to a member of staff immediately. There is no doubt that if a concern is shared with the member of staff, they can either reassure worried parents/carers or together devise steps to take to address the concern.