Category Archives: Uncategorized

End of year activities

As we enter the month of Dhul al-Hijjah and approach the end of the academic year, our students have been learning about the holy pilgrimage of Hajj and created some brilliant 3D structures to represent each stage! A model of the Ka'bah, featuring the black stone: A...

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Our reopening plans

Following the Government’s announcement that some year groups should return to school from 1st June, we are preparing to reopen for our students. Some of the changes we have made include creating 'Santisation stations' at all entrances and at key points around the school.   We have...

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Eid al-Fitr 1441/2020

As we complete the blessed month of Ramadan, the staff at Excellence Girls Academy would like to wish our families Eid Mubarak.  

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COVID-19: Online Safety Warning

We are aware that lots of people are offering their services on social media to give online tuition to other people’s children. We would like to remind parents and carers to not engage with someone they do not know and that they should at the very least:...

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School closure due to COVID-19

Following the Government's decision to close all schools in response to the coronavirus pandemic, Excellence Girls Academy is closed until further notice, except to children of key workers and children with certain needs. If you need to contact us, please use one of the following methods: T:...

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